Pengaruh Penggunaan Alcohol Based Handrub (ABHR) terhadap Tingkat Kepatuhan Hand Hygiene Petugas Kesehatan: A Systematic Review

Ece Ece, Syahrul Syahrul, Rini Rachmawaty


Background: Although alcohol based hand rub (ABHR) can deactivate or suppress the growth of microorganisms, but it is not yet known how much the level of compliance of health workers to do HH using ABHR. Objective: To identify the effect of the use of ABHR on the level of compliance with HH officers in health services. Methods: This systematic review is based on the PRISMA checklist. Search for articles through PubMed, Proquest, Scopus, Science Direct and Google Schoolar. Structured research questions using PICO (population, intervention, comparison and outcome) and using several predefined keywords. The study selection process was reviewed based on a prism flow diagram and only 6 articles that met the inclusion criteria were analyzed using the critical appraisal and classified based on evidence levels and quality guidelines. Results: The use of alcohol based handrub (ABHR) can increase the compliance of hand hygiene for health workers by increasing compliance by 7,5% to 29%. In addition, it reduces the incidence of severe infections, pneumonia and mortality from infections. Conclusion: The use of ABHR can improve HH adherence, reduce the incidence of HAIs, pneumonia and mortality from infections.
Keywords: hand hygiene; alcohol based hand rub; healthcare worker


Latar belakang: Meskipun alcohol based hand rub (ABHR) dapat menekan pertumbuhan mikroorganisme, namun belum diketahui seberapa besar tingkat kepatuhan petugas kesehatan untuk melakukan HH dengan menggunakan ABHR. Tujuan: Untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh penggunaan ABHR terhadap tingkat kepatuhan HH petugas dalam pelayanan kesehatan. Metode: Systematic review ini berdasarkan PRISMA checlist. Pencarian artikel melalui PubMed, Proquest, Scopus, Science Direct dan Google Schoolar. Pertanyaan penelitian terstruktur menggunakan PICO (population, intervention, comparison and outcome) dan menggunakan beberapa kata kunci yang telah ditetapkan. Proses pemilihan studi yang diulas berdasarkan flow diagram prisma dan hanya 6 artikel yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi kemudian dianalisis menggunakan critical apraisal dan diklasifikasikan berdasarkan evidence levels dan quality guide. Hasil: Penggunaan alcohol based handrub (ABHR) dapat meningkatkan kepatuhan hand hygiene petugas kesehatan dengan peningkatan kepatuhan sebesar 7,5% sampai dengan 29%. Selain itu, menurunkan angka kejadian infeksi berat, pneumonia dan angka kematian akibat infeksi. Simpulan: Penggunaan ABHR dapat meningkatkan kepatuhan HH, menurunkan angka kejadian HAIs, pneumonia dan angka kematian akibat infeksi.
Kata kunci: hand hygiene; alcohol based hand rub; petugas kesehatan

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Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan SUARA FORIKES (Journal of Health Research FORIKES VOICE), e-ISSN: 2502-7778, p-ISSN 2086-3098
Volume 1-6 (2010-2015) are available at
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